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Original works



"Galatea" is a devised show that I created and directed for Coastal Carolina's Discovery Series 2023-2024. It is a modern adaptation of the story of Pygmallian and Galatea told through Galatea's perspective and follows her gradual realization of imprisonment and abuse by her male creator. It explores the limited freedom of expression she experiences  while under his control and follows her fight for independence. 

Watch the show!


"Want" was a piece that I created and performed during my time at the Accademia dell'Arte in Arezzo, Italy where I was studying Physical Theatre. This was different than anything I had ever done and was the first time I had implemented the experimentation of sound and language. "Want" delves into how desire manifests itself within us, and how it affects our relationships. 

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"My Favorite Costumes" was a piece I created at the Accademia dell'Arte for "Kabaret Purgatorio". It explores the concept of identity (especially identities rooted in societal expectations) and how identities evolve as we change as people. There are four identities, and they're personified as caricatures; "the Mad Scientist", "the Achieving Athlete", "the Perfect Woman", and "The Perfectionistic Writer"



"The Basement" was a devised Commedia dell'Arte show that was performed at the Teatro Virginian in Arezzo, Italy. This was a fun story involving romance, missing people in a basement, and the battle between two families who eventually settle their deep-seated hatred to become friends. I played Sherrif Brighella, a violence-hungry cop who investigates the missing person's case. 

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